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자유 공간/네이버 영어회화

네이버 오늘의 영어회화 (9월2일)

by missio 2019. 9. 2.

안녕하세요 미씨오입니다.

벌써 9월이네요.ㅠㅠㅠ

뜻쓰는게 무의미하다 느껴져서 이제 안쓰려구여..ㅎ


네이버 오늘의 영어회화는 아래의 링크에서 확인이 가능하십니다.

https://learn.dict.naver.com/m/ 누르신 다음에 회화 버튼 클릭하시면 확인 가능하십니다ㅎㅎ


You deserve a nice meal.

너는 맛있는 식사를 해야 해


A: Hey, come here and have breakfast. You deserve a nice meal.


B : Did you make it all? It looks delicious.


A : Yep, We should eat lots of vegetables every day.


B : Sure. we deciced to eat healthier this year.


A : By the way, I can't have dinner at home today. Our team has a work dinner.


You deserve a ~ : 너는 ~를 받을 만해

You deserve a nice meal.

You deserve a gold medal.

You deserve a lot of respect.


We should eat lots of ~ : 우리는 ~를 많이 먹어야해.

We should eat lots of vegetables every day.

We should eat lots of high-protein foods.

We should eat lots of organic food.