안녕하세요 미씨오입니다.
네이버 오늘의 영어회화는 아래의 링크에서 확인이 가능하십니다.
https://learn.dict.naver.com/m/ 누르신 다음에 회화 버튼 클릭하시면 확인 가능하십니다ㅎㅎ
The prices you're offering look reasonable.
제시하신 가격이 적절해 보인다.
A : We'll give you our best price. Here's our latest price list.
B : Let's see. Okay. Thank you.
B : The prices you're offering look reasonable.
A : I'm happy to hear that.
B : Then let's seal the deal.
A : All right. But before we sign the contract, can we confirm one thing?
Here's our latest ~. 여기 저희의 최근 ~입니다.
Here's our latest price list.
Here's our latest project updates.
Here's our latest family photo.
Before we ~, can we ..? ~하기전에 ...할수 있을까요?
Before we sign the contract, can we confirm one thing?
Before we go to bed, can we watch a movie?
Before we go home, can we take a picture at the park?